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ManBet手机客户端在秋季提供校内羽毛球项目,在春季学期提供竞争性和娱乐性的选择, with the occasional tournament.


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Badminton News

List of 3 news stories.

  • Co-Athletes of the Week: Alice Sauriol, Ryan Yung & Béatrice Perron-Roy

    在过去的一个月里,这三位高年级学生在Alexander Galt高中举行的ETIAC羽毛球锦标赛中占据了主导地位, winning medals at each event. 作为背景,这些比赛涉及5所学校和14个球场的100多名羽毛球运动员. The competition is intense and tough. In the first tournament, bsamatrice和Alice获得了女子双打金牌,而Ryan获得了男子双打银牌. In the second tournament, 爱丽丝在女子单打比赛中获得金牌,而bsamatrice和Ryan合作赢得了高级混双比赛. 在过去的一周,bassaatrice保持不败,在女子单打比赛中获得第一名. 爱丽丝和瑞恩晋级了奖牌决赛,但他们必须击败在循环赛中以微弱优势击败他们的两支队伍. They did so and won the gold medal. In addition to being outstanding players, 他们三人都是我们年轻球员的榜样,为我们所有的队员和教练提供帮助和支持. Your co-Athletes of the Week, from the badminton team, Alice Sauriol, Beatrice Perron-Roy and Ryan Yung.
  • Athlete of the Week: Jamie Arsenault

    From Sackville, New Brunswick, 在上周的青少年羽毛球锦标赛上,杰米是一股不可忽视的力量. 为了参加两个赛区的比赛,这位10年级的学生运动员从未离开过球场. 整个下午,她在两个不同的体育馆里,在女子单打和女子双打之间来回跳来跳去. 她从不抱怨,从不找借口,有着完美的体育精神. In the end, 她在单打比赛中获得银牌,并与搭档艾玛·麦金泰尔(Emma MacIntyre)在双打比赛中获得金牌. Congratulations, Jamie.
  • Athletes of the Week: Shu Shu & Annie Tang

    In the most important event of the Badminton season, the Galt Invitational Tournament, Shu Shu and Annie Tang brought their best.
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Coaches 2024-25

Sophie Blair


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